May 2024
Happy 8th! Here are our fresh tracks for May:
New brand experience for Front Street Capital
Saved by the Team: Engaging Your Employees in Social Content Creation
Enjoy these Freshies
Get 20% off Rubber Ducky Sunscreen
Digital Snow Report
Featured Video: Happy + Hale Burnzie Bowl
New Brand Experience for Front Street Capital
Front Street Capital is a full-service real estate investment and development firm based in Winston-Salem built by industry-leading professionals committed to enriching communities.
From initial design concepts to sleek new website to fresh branding on the conference room wall, the collaboration journey with the FSC team (and the Teams) is always an energizing experience.
Saved by the Team: Engaging Your Employees in Social Media Content Creation
by Delaney Kelly
Brand awareness is the catalyst for every conversion in digital marketing, specifically social media. It's all about making sure that when people out there think about a product or service, your brand pops into their heads like a neon sign that screams “We’re right here!” Because from that initial recognition comes trust, loyalty, and ultimately, sales!
But here's the kicker. Your secret weapon for crafting content that drives brand awareness? It's already in your toolkit. It's your employees!
20% Off Rubber Ducky Sunscreen
To help you prepare for the sunny summer season ahead, we're offering a Friends & Family discount for our new daily go-to, Rubber Ducky Sunscreen! Follow the adventures @rubberduckybrand and take 20% your online order with discount code CHAIR8.
Enjoy These Freshies
Enjoy these freshies! Content dump of our favorite shoots from the past few weeks:
Champagne pop @thegrovesavannah
High Point Market with @thebrambleco
Love, Respect & Kindness @westendraleigh
Handcrafted with love @paletasmorelia
Stacks of color @withernotco
Here's your snow report to stay up-to-speed on trends & news in the rapidly changing digital world:
How to Use Rhythm in Your Social Media Content [Infographic]
These award-winning nature photos capture the world around us
LinkedIn Sees Record Levels of Engagement Once Again
The fastest Wordle winning strategy
Meta Announces Updates for its Ray-Ban Smart Glasses
101 pieces of advice from all-around smart dude Kevin Kelly
Pinterest Shares Insight Into Summer Travel Trends
America’s national parks, ranked
Happy + Hale Burnzie Bowl
Enjoy some BTS of the new Burnzie Bowl that dropped at all Happy + Hale locations and PNC Arena for the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs. Epic day with #8 Brent Burns, Tyler Northrup & Also Dept. A proper salad fit for a hockey pro and Caniac!